Name calling and bating for a fight

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mykcob4's picture
Name calling and bating for a fight

I would like to report Jeff Vella Leone for name calling and bating for a fight. On the 'Being White' Thread in the Debate Room.

""You are the 5 year old kid!!!!
(Everything this guy will say I will say it is wrong/flawed because I don't like him and i want him to be seen as childish.)
I will show he is the 5 year old kid not me :P""

I have tried to be reasonable with this person, but he continually is not only condescending and smug, but has resorted to false accusation and name calling.

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CyberLN's picture
So noted.

So noted.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I said that as an example.

I said that as an example.

Misquoting on purpose to make a point now mykckob4 ehh?

This is the actual post:

"Even if I insult you right now.(demonstration only)
And call you a little child of 5 years old.

our response to this provocation should not be

"I will kill you"
(else police will come and pick you up since you are the one displaying violence)

but it should be:

"Why are you claiming that?"
"Where is your evidence?"
(if the reply is not satisfactory, then one could consider suing him)

That is a mature reply.

The following is childish reply:

"You are the 5 year old kid!!!!
(Everything this guy will say I will say it is wrong/flawed because I don't like him and i want him to be seen as childish.)
I will show he is the 5 year old kid not me :P"


Remove this abuse from your "So noted." please.

And put forward a report for this behavior against mykckob4.

Everybody reading this knows I did not really call him a 5 year old child, I was just showing why even if someone insults someone else one should not use violence in a civil society and all the blame is on the one who uses violence.

mykcob4's picture
Now you are lying about what

Now you are lying about what you actually did. Pathetic!

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Denying what everyone can see

Denying what everyone can see now lol

I linked the topic post, I cannot lie and neither can you.

"Even if I insult you right now.(demonstration only)"

I did actually write "(demonstration only)" and put it in quotes so you won't misunderstand from the get go.
I did not edit that out or anything, it was there when you first read it.

wtf you think you are to lie about people in this manner and think that anyone will believe it?

Nyarlathotep's picture
mykckob4 - "I have tried to

mykckob4 - "I have tried to be reasonable with this person"

That is your first mistake (understandable since you are relatively new here). You are dealing with a person who thinks:

1) human beings are not animals/do not share a common decent from other animals
2) big foot is real
3) sacred geometry has special powers(?)
4) alien visitation to this planet is real
5) the videos from new age gurus contain ground breaking science

Add to this a slew of ludicrous claims about mathematics and physics, despite a shocking ignorance of even the basics of these subjects.

Asking Jeff to be reasonable—ironically—is somewhat unreasonable!

mykcob4's picture
I see that now.

I see that now.

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