United States of America

Christian Billionaires Fund Push to Kill the Pro-LGBT “Equality Act”

The Equality Act, if passed, would ban discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, federally funded programs, credit, and jury service. In February 2021, the bill passed the House of Representatives with a bipartisan majority, and Biden has promised to sign the final bill. More than two-thirds of Americans also support the bill.

43% of American millennials "don’t care" about the existence of god

In America’s religious landscape, we witness one of the most profound worldview transitions, and Millenials are at the heart of it. Adults age 18 to 36 — otherwise known as Millenials — have an extensive perception of how humanity relates to the universe. Younger Americans don’t believe or even care about the standard theory of a god’s existence. 

United States House passes Equality Act to boost LGBTQ protections

On February 25th, the US House passed the Equality Act. The passing of this landmark act for LGBTQ rights (with a 224-206 vote) deters discrimination pertaining to sexual orientation and gender identity in many circumstances and in several settings, including employment, housing, education, public accommodations, and merchantry.

Texas Bishop: Atheism Responsible for Every Ill That Plagues Our Society

The majority of Christian history has a shameful past of bloody torture combined with racism and slavery, especially so in the southern United States. The bible itself condones slavery, even to the point of offering ‘Dos and Donts’ guidance to slaveholders — never once condemning it — not even in the Ten Commandments.

Yet Joseph E. Strictland, a Texas Catholic Bishop, vilifies atheism, claiming it is much worse than racism. And he blames atheists for every “ill that plagues our society.” 


New Bill Forbids Sexuality Displays In Public Schools In Anti-LGBT Move

West Virginia Legislature introduced a controversial bill on February 10th, 2021, to remove essential teachings from public schools.

House Bill 2157 proposes eliminating any teachings of sexuality and forbids displays meant to promote understanding among all students related to such instructions in public schools. Although it doesn’t specify any particular group or sexuality in written form, it is widely known as an attempt to ban any mention of the LGBTQ+ community.
