Has nature ever created a code?
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We don't know everything there is to know and we should never pretend we do, especially when it comes to deciding what should and shouldn't have happened in the animal kingdom (or the mold spores kingdom :)
That, in no way, answers the question. You said ‘supposed to be’....according to whom?
Senta Christine "the approx 11.7 million different species of life on this planet are what are supposed to be here now. If some mold spores or bugs or plants or animals go extinct, then that is the way it is supposed to be "
Two claims to knowledge, no evidence of course, and then this....
Senta Christine "We don't know everything there is to know and we should never pretend we do,"
Why do theists never see the irony? Of course she was barking mad, so perhaps it's unfair to generalise.
@ Santa
Oh I get it..."god's plan in mysterious ways?" Sheesh..I always forget that one...
Yes, we as humans need to humble ourselves because we have not even come close to understanding everything there is to understand about our universe yet. So why do you think food exists on this planet? Do you think it was just by sheer luck?
What's humble about believing the entire universe exists with us in mind? That's arrogance not humility.
You're also using an argument from ignorance fallacy again, do you know what this is?
We are god too, just imperfect.
Logical fallacy. Strawman argument. Do you know what that is?
You're trolling, no one is this stupid, well almost no one.
It's hard to be humble when there are people like you in the world. Just saying.... you make the humblest of us look like giants. "Why does food exist?" Let me guess.... "Food exists because a magical being put it there. He waved his magical wand over his magical hat and then reached inside and pulled out a bunny rabbit. He did that because he wanted us to cut the little bunny's throat, tear out it's intestines, rip off its skin and throw it on a fire. This all happened because the magic man in the sky is peaceful and loving."
Sigh, another theists who loves to make unevidenced claims, and insist people disprove their claims.
Someone who has read NOTHING by Douglas Adams...
Hate to tell you this, but just by this post and one above, I can already tell that to tell you how this actually came about would actually do like a 747 to you. You have not the mental capabilities to understand the Celestial Mechanics and Orbital Mechanics involved. Not to mention the rather simple idea of nebula accretion.
Logical fallacy. Strawman argument. Stop avoiding the question by insulting my intelligence (which I am sure is far greater than yours), and just state that you really think it was sheer luck that we had food on this planet for every stage of evolution, for every fish, bird, insect, plant, and to sustain the current approximation of 11.7 million different species of life. Go ahead. Say you think that on top of all the functions of the human body giving us eyesight, hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling (statistically impossible they would :"just happen" w/o intelligence)- &According to you atheists that all came to be along with electricity, oil and every other useful material and resource on this planet because we are just that darn lucky. And you wonder why 93% of the world disagrees with you.
@ Senta
Then tell me how much information you know about nebula accretion, Celestial Mechanics, Orbital Mechanics, Astrophysics.
How much you already know within that lack of intelligence has the potential of saving me about 500 pages of text describing to you how the stellar formed and how everything ended up where it is in that stellar system.
Otherwise, go and do some research. Searching for knowledge and information is what it is meant to be human instead of a Religious Absolutist robot and force fed what you are told to think.
Logical fallacy. Strawman argument. Again I am asking you why we have food NOT how we have food. There are only 2 possible answers. Either you think it was just by sheer luck or you think there was higher intelligence involved. Pick one.
@Senta Re: "Again I am asking you why we have food NOT how we have food."
Errrr-ummmmmm.... Oh, geee.... Where to start?... So, I have no idea where you live, or in what world you were raised, or if you have ever ventured anywhere outside your own back yard, but.....
Are we to understand you actually believe there is plenty of food for everybody on this planet and there are no people in the world going hungry? As if maybe some "perfect and intelligent entity" actually purposely DESIGNED the over-population and the limited resources to be as they are?..... *tilting head to side with bewildered look*.... Hmmmm.... Wow...
There are not limited resources. We produce enough food each year to feed 10 billion people. Here are some links for easy reference.
https://www.oxfam.ca/there-enough-food-feed-world, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/07/the-world-produces-enough-food-to... https://foodfirst.org/publication/we-already-grow-enough-food-for-10-bil... It is our responsibility to get the food to the people who need it. Also, I believe hell is happening right here, right before our very eyes.
OK. Got it. You are either a Religious Absolutist or a Religious Absolutist Apologist.
I always love how you religious people are always telling us what we are thinking.
Are you a psionic telepath and able to read our minds?
Before I give you an answer your above question, I have a question for you to answer:
Have you applied your accussations of "logical fallacy" and "strawman" to your own question?
In answer to your above question, the answer is neither.
What you see on this Earth arrived here through the natural process of natural selection and evolution. Do you realize that approximately 99% of ALL species that have ever been on this Earth are extinct? However, being a Religious Absolutist, you would not believe in the Theory of Evolution and the process of Natural Selection.
Well, since you are a Religious Absolutist who shall not believe in anything scientific, why should I answer your questions? You shall believe any word I may say.
Thus, the only thing I shall say is go back to school little child and don't skip so many classes.
I am not a little child. I am 49 years old and I have a college education. I very much doubt that you do since you don't even have a good grasp on basic science. Evolution is a process that we discoverd was happening. It is not a first cause of food, life or anything else. And natural selection has absolutely nothing to do with how food came to be on this planet. Read a book sometime. It might help you understand what science is and what science is not. Science does not even attempt to answer any of the whys of our existence. Science only attempts to discover and understand how an already existing and operating universe works. And I am not a religious anything. I think all religions are man-made but with a very good purpose in mind. I think it is very obvious however, that higher intelligence created this planet and that higher intelligence than mere humans exists. And who cares if some plants, mold spores, insects and some animals are extinct now?. And back to my question of why we have food on this planet. I know you don't want to say it was just luck because you know that sounds ridiculous. And I don't blame you for avoiding answering it. It's a fail for atheism.
Duh... No shit. Yet you say have some college education, but have such stupid idiotic beliefs.
We have food on this planet because life consumes life for the energy it need to grow and survive. Use that college education and think critically about. You have yet to show that education.
Logical fallacy. Strawman argument. You did not answer why food is on this planet in the first place. Obviously we need it to live, yes, so what force of nature would even care if we needed food? Nothing you think? It just mysteriously appeared here for millions of species of life out of our incredibly good luck?
Food is generally composed of organic compounds. The universe is awash with organic compounds. I don't understand your complaint/question.
You understand the question. Don't play dumb. Why do we have food on this planet that not only tastes delicious, but also gives us energy and nutrients to stay alive? Do you think something like that could possibly happen by sheer luck?
@Senta Christine:
I won't be addressing your opinions about the taste of food; as what you think tastes good does not concern me, unless I was preparing a meal for you.
Food is typically made out of organic compounds, so are lifeforms (at least the ones we know about). Which means with a little leaway we could rephrase your question as: why do we find organic compounds, where we find organic compounds? Now I'm pretty sure that isn't the question you are trying to ask; maybe you help us out and rephrase it.
Or I guess you could just insult me again.
Ok, maybe you didn't understand the question.Why does food even exist on this planet? There are only two possible answers. Either you think food is on this planet by sheer luck or you think higher intelligence was involved in the creation of this planet.
If you condition on organic life existing on the planet, then your question answers itself, as organic life is food.
If you don't condition on that, then as I've already said: organic compounds are common in the universe, we shouldn't be surprised to find them on Earth.
If however: you are asking why are there organic compounds in the universe; then the answer I would give you is stellar nucleosynthesis.
Why are the organic compounds common in the universe?
Sunlight is the food. Combine it with chemicals and the plant lives. Animals eat the plants, and all of it is a complex interaction with evolution. You won't find herds of elephants in Antarctica because there's no food for elephants there.
Personally I have never ordered sunlight when dining out. And how did these chemicals come to be? And why are the plants here? Are we just very lucky to have thousands of food options from the plants on this planet? Is that what someone like you really believes?
Argumentum ad ignorantiam.
Not knowing something doesn't mean goddidit using unexplained magic.