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LogicFTW's picture
Bummer dude. Do you have

Bummer dude.

Do you have access to a decent reliable car? If you are willing to drive around food and packages, I can guarantee there's money to be made, right now.

Mikhael's picture
It's a great idea but I'm

It's a great idea but I'm visually impaired and can't drive xD I'll be getting one more paycheck from last week, and I have some emergency money. My wife and best friend, my room mates, aren't out of work yet and also have some cash. We also have plenty of food; give me 5 pounds of flour, eggs, and onions and I can keep ya fed

David Killens's picture
I am a racing freak, and a

I am a racing freak, and a devout sim racer. This cancellation of all forms of racing is definitely a kick in the family jewels, but all of a sudden a huge benefit has come out of it. Many top names in racing, top tier professional drivers are now sim racing and I get to see them.

At this very moment I am watching Nicki Thiim's Twitch channel where an invite race is about to begin.

Racers have to race. If they cannot do it in real life, they turn to sim racing.

Mikhael's picture
Light in the dark, it's been

Light in the dark, it's been amazing seeing what humans will think up to keep ourselves going. The people on Italy singing on their balconies , streaming videos for each other, shit like that

Cognostic's picture
That is one of the great

That is one of the great memories I have of Italy. The morning vegetable sellers singing their wares. The night fishermen letting the moonlight and rolling waves carry their tunes back to land. I forgot that until you mentioned the singing. The two countries, IMO with the greatest lust for life are the Italians and the Greeks. A song and a dance can carry the day!

boomer47's picture



Below is a link to 'Q&A'. This an Australian panel show on ABC (public broadcasting)

The episode below is from last night,17 March, on the Coronavirus .

The panel includes the Federal Minster Of Health as well as an expert in communicable diseases. I've posted the link because I think much of the discussion is pertinent to many countries, including the US .EG how many test kits are available in the country?

The shows how much Australia has done and has not done. The minister gets a pounding from the disease expert. I found it fascinating .

Link is below, although I don't know if it's available outside of Oz.

David Killens's picture
@ cranky47

@ cranky47

Works here in Canada

boomer47's picture


"Works here in Canada"

Glad to hear it.

Where are you in Canada ?. I ask because mum was born in Vancouver. I've been a couple of times, but never further north than BC. Had the best holidays of my life staying with friends on Salt Spring Island. Once wanted to live there. Sadly, the trendies realised it's only a 45 minuter ferry ride from Victoria. Costs over a million to buy there now.


Apologies if I've mentioned this before. It's only kind-of interesting if you follow hockey.

My mother came from a famous Hockey family, The Patricks. Hall of fame inductee FranK Patrick was my grandfather. Hall of Fame inductee Murray "Muzz" Patrick was mum's first cousin. We stayed with him at his house in Connecticut in 1985. I have a New York Ranger's puck he gave me sitting on my desk in front of me. A lovely, gentle giant of a man, I like him a lot.

Ice hockey isn't really a thing in Australia. I'm not fond of it because I don't like blood sports.

Tin-Man's picture
I was watching a fight one

I was watching a fight one day and all of a sudden a hockey game broke out... *baa-duh-bump... ching!*

Okay, okay... I'm leaving...

David Killens's picture
I live in Toronto, Ontario,

I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I lived in Comox, BC for two years, and saw almost the entire province from the air. That tale alone is worthy of a book, I had more adventures than Batman. Yea, it is a beautiful place, with the majestic mountains towering high, the tall (I mean, wow, were they fucking tall) trees, and incredible fishing.

Maybe hockey is a cultural thing but us crazy Canucks love that sport. Fortunately, rules changes have cut down a lot on fighting, where we could see two or three knuckle dusters a game, now maybe once every ten games, if at all. And the dinosaurs who promoted this violent aspect of the game are slipping away. Times change.

But still, this still makes me laugh.


Attach Image/Video?: 

Tin-Man's picture
@David K. Re: Vid link

@David K. Re: Vid link

Is it bad that I knew what that video would be before I even clicked on it?... LMAO...

boomer47's picture


Yeah, pretty funny.

The announcer put me in mind of "The Prairie Home Companion" my last favourite radio show,

Below Garrison Keillor and the news from Lake Wobegone.

Not to everyone's taste. I like it because it's gentle, puckish if you will.

Cognostic's picture
Okay, Everything is shut down

Okay, Everything is shut down here in Korea. All the schools, most restaurants and businesses. My school just shut down and "Surprise!" I get a two week vacation without pay! Ha ha ha ha ha .... (Not kidding.)

The government has shut the place down until the 6th.

boomer47's picture


"I get a two week vacation without pay! Ha ha ha ha ha .... (Not kidding.)

Bummer, truly sorry to hear that. But it's perhaps understandable in a way.---The US government has announced a $US ONE TRILLION package to support the economy, and it seems that won't be nearly enough.

My source; Huffpost US today March 19.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
All my live gigs cancelled

All my live gigs cancelled until June....two features, scheduled for June (one of which I had a major part) postponed shooting. Ah well thank gawd I am a pensioner even though my Superannuation has dived by 30% since the start of this kerfuffle.

We shall survive unless, of course, the "Boomer Remover", slides in the locked front door!

So what shall i do? OF COURSE! Tha mi ag ionnsachadh gaelidh Albannach agus a ’càradh dhèideagan. (I am learning Scots Gaelic and repairing toys)

boomer47's picture
@Old man

@Old man

"(I am learning Scots Gaelic and repairing toys)"

Good for you.

Sadly , I know only one Scots Gaelic phrase; " poc ma hon". Not one to be exclaimed in a pub in Glasgow

--I do kind of understand Glasgow english ---

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cranky

@ Cranky
jista'weel, ya wee scunner. Ya glakit?

Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man Re: "jista'weel, ya

@Old Man Re: "jista'weel, ya wee scunner. Ya glakit?"

Aye, ya blainkert wank! Meend-yer mahnnahs een nobee floutin yer leeps enna forren spewt mungst we folk o neune glakit.


Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM

@ TM

Way-ull,*scratches head with big toe*. Folkus rouwond these parts aint mighty partial to strangers, unless thems nekked and tied toa boward oh gum wood........Alabbamy, one day fine da next day, uh whit was ah sayin?

That was a brilliant bit of writing there TM...I doffs me cap...

Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man Re: "That was a

@Old Man Re: "That was a brilliant bit of writing there TM...I doffs me cap..."

Gracias, amigo. I enjoy playing with different "accents" when writing. I'm easily amused like that... *chuckle*... You've got yourself a pretty good Southern backwoods accent there yourself... lol... Although, I detect a wee bit of Appalachian Mountain twang in there along with it... *chuckle*...

boomer47's picture
@Old Man

@Old Man

Aye, I think.

I should have added Glaswegian is much harder to understand when a few Glaswegian friends get together. They go from local accent to thick Glaswegian in about three seconds.

Sounds like you have an ear for languages.

Sadly I don't . Enough Italian, French and Malay to get myself into trouble . Forget tonal languages. At one time I tried to learn Vietnamese. , My Vietnamese friends were rolling on the floor.


My Sis is cabin crew with a major airline and flies long haul. Pretty sure she'll be laid off, if not already.I haven't heard. If so ,she'll be in trouble . She's had a lot of illness the last couple of years, so has no sick leave or annual leave. She also rents, with her son and his girlfriend. She lives in Melbourne. I should be able to help a bit with money.

Here ,both of my regular social activities have been closed . I'm in contact with a mate by Discord, a free Skype-like app plus voice mail. . The sibs I have here are in my age group, so I won't be seeing them.They're technophobes, so the Discord app is beyond them.

To get out of the house I go for a walk or a drive. To the shops only when I must for fresh food. I refuse to panic buy anything. .

LogicFTW's picture
The grocery stores in china,

The grocery stores in china, the stores in Italy, almost all of them were generally well stocked for food. Certainly of the essentials, there wont be food/water shortages. There is a slight TP shortage from all the panic buying, but I still think it is likely 1-2 weeks from now all the TP shelves will be fully stocked and sitting mostly idle. Again actual TP use will not go up much. Just peoples irrational hoarding of it. Which means unless they are really irrational they wont be buying more TP anytime soon.

Whitefire13's picture
Me...smiling and nodding...

Me...smiling and nodding...
Usually my fall back when I don’t understand a fucking thing people are talking about...

David Killens's picture
Sometimes when a door slams

Sometimes when a door slams shut, another one opens.

I usually take the subway downtown to my favorite pot store, buy the product, then dash home. From start to conclusion the entire process takes just two hours. For me, it's quick and easy.

But obviously, taking public transit and getting on a subway is high risk, and even I am not that stupid. So I decided to order online. After a bit of browsing I discovered that a product I wanted to try out was in stock, and I could get my grubby hands on it.

If not for the present situation, I would have never discovered this little gem.

dogalmighty's picture


covid 19 update map.

LogicFTW's picture
To me the best map I have

To me the best map I have found is: (Johns Hopkins University)

The bing one looks good too. The Hopkins map sometimes gets overloaded with too many visitors.

Cognostic's picture


There is so much good information out there. Don't Panic!

Whitefire13's picture
Well, my youngest guy, my

Well, my youngest guy, my baby has a sore throat and fever...shit...most likely a regular fuckin’ cold but this mommy brain is all out worse case scenario...

CyberLN's picture
I get DiL and

I get DiL and granddaughter are both coughing. Makes me wish I had a salt-lick sized Xanax!

Whitefire13's picture
My boy is feeling better -

My boy is feeling better - still a sore throat, but eating...stuffy but up and “gaming” ...

@Cyber - how’s your DiL and granddaughter? Did you get the Xanax salt lick I sent you?!?!?


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