Atheist Republic Consulates – Find & Meet Up With Atheists Near You

The Atheist Republic Consulates are headed by the Meetup Coordinators who plan and organize meetups as well as events in the cities they reside in with the goal of providing a sense of community for atheists. These meetups can be as simple as a few atheists meeting up for a discussion.

Are you looking for a group near you? Here's a list of all current Atheist Republic Consulates with links to their respective facebook groups. If your city is not available on the list below, start an Atheist Republic Consulate by applying as a meetup coordinator.

You can also join in on the discussions of our international atheist community on facebook by clicking on this link.

Can't Find One For Your Location? Start A New Consulate In Your City

Become a Meetup Coordinator at Atheist Republic

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Dejan Savic
I live in the country that was under communist regime at the time I grew up, so I was not pressured to be a part of the Eastern Orthodox Christianity, that was predominant in my culture. After the fall of the communism, many discovered religion, and it became integral part of Serbian identity; but even in these new circumstances, I can freely express my lack of belief, without fear of any consequence. I have a freedom to express myself, but I lacked the friends' understanding. Your vision of Atheist Republic made a leeway for people like me to find each other. There, I found many people whose friendship is of outmost importance to me. People that I think of as a part of my family. Friends with whom I can be myself, without fear of them not understanding, so I no longer feel lonely or lost. In there, I also found the love of my life; the woman that is perfect in every possible way. Your vision created the path for us to find each other. I can only imagine of how much importance this is to people whose lives can even be at stake if they freely express themselves. I want to thank you for having the vision that made all this possible.
- Dejan Savić
I became atheist since last year may 2014. I grew up in an Islamic family. AR is great platforum to express your thoughts and meet with same like minded people. I'm happy that now I'm a atheist - but now it's very hard for me to still live in an islamic state. Trying to found the way to get out from this state and live somewhere else with freedom.
- Sarah
I had joined several sites before to attempt to find an Atheist community, but this site by far outperforms anything out there! Information, debate, reason, and awesome stuff can all be found here in ample supply! I am very glad I found Atheist Republic, and I will not be leaving! It is truly among the best of ports in the storm, as it were.
- Cory C.

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